Have you ever had problems with your cell phone or radio inside a building? It is likely caused by interference and the materials around you such as Low E Glass. Now imagine that there is a fire or another emergency. Your cell phone won’t work and the firefighters who are trying to save you and the building can’t communicate with one another. This is a problem that can be solved by an in-building wireless solution.
General Communications’ In-Building Wireless solution is known by a variety of names depending on your code, contractor, region and more. Some of these terms are only part of the solution, but are often used to describe the need for in-building wireless. These include:
- BDAs (Bi-Directional Amplifiers)
- DAS (Distributed Antenna System)
- Fire Radio Booster
- Cellular Booster System
- ERRC (Emergency Responder Radio Coverage)
No matter what you call it, an in-building wireless system’s purpose is to boost the signals of radios, cell phones and other communication devices. This is not only a huge safety feature, but is also mandated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-1221) and the International Fire Code (IFC Section 510) which means that any new commercial building is required to have radio coverage.
Perhaps you are an electrical contractor or foreman? Perhaps you are an estimator, the fire alarm installer, the general contractor or even the owner of the project? Whoever you are, this is a necessity for the building project you are working on, planning or bidding for. And General Communications is here to help.
The General Communications team are experts in Radio Frequency (RF) and Public Safety Radio Systems. We design, build and service hundreds of systems across Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. We know these systems that we amplify and maintain, and we know what it takes to boost the signals the right way. General Communications does all of this work in-house – which means that we have qualified staff, the software and the expertise to partner with you.
Our staff includes team members with experience in IP networking, cellular carriers and RF signals, and we even have degreed electrical engineers who develop these designs. The best part is that since we own the software, we can offer preliminary designs. That paired with free on-site testing and free change orders allows us to better serve your needs.
We work side-by-side with electrical contractors to get the job done. We guarantee our work and if you don’t believe us, just ask any of our past customers. Our name is often passed along because they know our in-building systems work.
Contact us today to find out more.