“What do you say?”
Perhaps you have heard a parent soliciting a “Thank you!” from his or her child with this prompt—or you might recall your parents reminding you to say “Thanks!” with this question as well. From youth forward, we learn to express appreciation to others for their time, talents, or gifts. Each November in the United States, Thanksgiving provides us a reminder to be grateful for what we have and also thank the people in our lives for the positive impact they make.
So, at GenComm, we’d like to celebrate a thanks-FOR-giving day this year. Our team members, customers, and suppliers all help GenComm be one of Wisconsin’s leaders in public safety systems, two-way radios, and vehicle upfitting. We want to express our sincere appreciation to these individuals and businesses and recognize their giving, both to GenComm and to others.
Every day, our employees share their time and talents to provide, install, and service the communication solutions GenComm delivers its customers. With dependable expertise, responsive customer service, and a commitment to integrity, our team members consistently exceed expectations. They are reliable, caring, and dedicated to the company and the communities we serve. Our employees are truly valued members of the GenComm family.
As both public institutions and private businesses, our customers manage critical responsibilities, for the common good and for the betterment of society. Most prominently found in public safety, school districts, hospital systems, and business operations, our clients offer protection, education, health, and products & services. They tackle unique obstacles each day and invite GenComm to be part of the solutions they provide. We are proud to partner with these organizations and companies in their important work.
Our suppliers are dedicated to the success and safety of such customers. They provide superior products and innovative solutions, which allows GenComm’s customers to stay focused on their mission-critical work. By anticipating and rapidly responding to challenges, our suppliers help ensure the suitability and efficacy of the equipment we provide. These companies give their best so we at GenComm can give our best, too, and we are pleased to be affiliated with them.
GenComm is fortunate to have employees, customers, and suppliers who place service at the forefront of what they do. Happy Thanksgiving from GenComm, and may you also find the day to be a thanks-FOR-giving opportunity.