GenComm is privileged to serve a diverse set of industries, ones in which the workforce often fills positions as unsung heroes. From healthcare workers to police officers and firefighters, from teachers to maintenance and housekeeping personnel, such individuals are the largely invisible superstars of safety and nurture.
This special group of people also includes telecommunicators: the 9-1-1 operators and fire dispatchers who answer emergency and nonemergency calls and provide resources to assist those in need. They are the first line of communication between community members who call 9-1-1 and the officers, paramedics, and firefighters who respond. Every year during the second week of April, these telecommunications personnel are honored as part of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (NPSTW).
Sponsored by the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), this event is a time to thank and celebrate those who dedicate their lives to serving the public behind-the-scenes, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Public safety telecommunicators are the most critical contact a region’s citizens have with emergency services, and their diligence and professionalism keep people and cities safe. They exhibit understanding and compassion while under pressure, even rendering life-saving assistance at times.
NPSTW began as a local celebration in California in 1981. By the 1990s, the APCO had convinced Congress of the need for a formal recognition of the occasion. Former President Clinton signed a presidential proclamation in 1994, turning the initiative into a national acknowledgement. The second week of April was chosen in order to coincide with National 9-1-1 Education Month.
At GenComm, we are honored to support the work of public safety telecommunicators and their associated teams. We provide them with communication technology products such as dispatch consoles, mobile and portable radios and pagers, networking equipment, and dispatch furniture —ensuring the best performance and reliability for the mission-critical communication needs of the public safety industry. Beginning with design, working through integration and installation, and continuing with support, GenComm is a recognized expert for its capabilities in serving a broad range of industries, including public safety, and we are proud to serve these heroes.