
Importance of In-Building Wireless

In Building Wireless

You have likely heard the phrase, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” Applicable in numerous situations, this expression can pertain to cellular and wireless connectivity: suddenly your cell phone or portable radio cannot find a signal when within a structure, proving to be not only inconvenient, but also dangerous at times.

Such issues can be resolved through in-building wireless systems. GenComm provides these solutions to ensure emergency radio communication signals meet sufficient levels, and to make certain cellular signals are strong enough to have reliable service. In-building wireless systems are known by a variety of terms—such as BDAs (bi-directional amplifiers), DAS (distributed antenna systems), booster systems, or ERRC (emergency responder radio coverage)—although not all are complete solutions themselves.

GenComm’s full range of services helps customers stay compliant with jurisdictional public safety radio codes and ordinances. For instance, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-1221) and the International Fire Code (IFC Section 510) both have mandates requiring emergency communication in all buildings. And some regions require yearly monitoring and testing of in-building systems to confirm proper performance.

Newer building practices—such as better insulation, base foundations of steel beams, and Low-E glass windows—can weaken signals, thereby challenging the capability of residents to call for help and reducing first responders’ ability to communicate effectively onsite. In-building systems can provide occupants with strong signals for reliable service and give emergency services personnel dependable communication channels, crucial during emergencies.

On the commercial cellular side, in-building wireless systems enhance productivity and improve customer satisfaction. Employees can communicate without interruptions for improved workflow, and seamless remote work is facilitated with reliable connectivity. Plus, when customers and staff can access the services they need, their loyalty increases, and their overall experience with your company and facility is enhanced.

As a leader in providing public safety radio communication solutions, we at GenComm have the qualified staff and expertise to partner with you in the design, installation, and maintenance of an in-building wireless system. Reach out today to join the hundreds of systems we have already built across Wisconsin and northern Illinois.